As a leader, my mission is to drive positive team collaboration that results in driven and empowered people. This mission goes above and beyond the team to embrace all of our partners and colleagues ideas and challenge one another for a cause greater than our own egos. This not only creates a overall better work environment for my team but enables them learn more, know more and be more than they imagined. This leads to work that shines not only because we created something that’s visually stunning and usable; its transformational because it clarifies to customers how to get the most out of doing business with us.

I will:

  • Empower you to be your own boss and utilize all your skills
  • Support you through success and failure
  • Challenge you to deliver your very best work
  • Be there to help you navigate a sea full of business constraints
  • Inspire you to try out your ideas, make mistakes, and learn
  • Provide training, coaching, and mentorship based on your strengths & opportunities
  • Listen with objectivity and give you platform to express yourself openly
  • Embrace who you are due to your unique perspective and experiences
  • Ensure you feel supported, empowered, and able to do game-changing work
  • Provide transparency and insight within the team, group and company as best as I can
  • Clear you of obstructions so you can focus on great work

You will:

  • Treat team members, colleagues and I with respect
  • Share your vision early and often to justify impactful decisions
  • Be constructive with your ideas, feedback, and knowledge
  • Be prepared to accept and provide solid rationale behind design decisions
  • Discover opportunities within business and user constraints
  • Be confident that your good ideas will be recognized
  • Be responsibilities for your actions and behavior
  • Be yourself while upholding honesty, sincerity, and belief
  • Have fun, learn daily and set career goals

The team will:

  • Support each other externally; resolve disagreements internally
  • Help each other with challenges affecting our ability to be at our best
  • Take advantage of the unique perspectives, skills and experience of the team
  • Meet regularly to review progress, share ideas, lend feedback and impart knowledge
  • Treat other teams with respect, as professionals and individuals
  • Push each other to go further, take challenges, and come up with new paradigms
  • Enjoy our time together socially over lunch and team building activities